This is a great Bible for teens who are new Christians or those who are just starting to question the Bibles' concepts. The Rock Solid sidebars (see more detail, below), provide quick examples of how teens might feel in difficult situations, additional information about people in the Bible who faced challenges, and principles of the Bible that apply in such situations. It includes a topical index, a concordance, reading plans, and 8 pages of colored maps.
I was a bit disappointed by the title 'Study Bible' because this would not be a version I'd buy for a teen who is really seeking to understand the meaning behind specific verses or linkages within the Bible. Other than the Rock Solid sidebars and topical index/concordance, there aren't any resources to help a teen dig deeper into a particular chapter or verse.
This Bible would probably be most helpful if an entire Sunday School class or small group used it together and discussed the Rock Solid items, applying them to their own lives and situations.
the task of parents, youth pastors, and Bible teachers is to help teens
grow in their confidence that the Scriptures are trustworthy and give
teens solid truths on which to build their faith and confidence in God’s
Word. To address these vital spiritual issues for teens, support adults
working with youth and to provide a stable foundation for teens’
beliefs, Zondervan has created the Rock Solid Faith Study Bible for Teens. This
innovative edition of the New International Version helps teens face
their lack of confidence in Scripture squarely and build a steadfast
basis for their faith in God and Jesus. With the Rock Solid Faith Study Bible, teens can discover constant and concrete truths rooted in the unchanging love, guidance, and promises of God.
Sol Rexius, spokesman for the Rock Solid Bible and creator of Unshakable Truths,
the popular Rock Solid Bible video, states, “In this ever-changing
world, you can trust God’s never-changing Word. This Bible will prove to
be a timely and timeless resource for teens. It would definitely be on
my ‘what I wish I’d had when I was a teen’ list. It offers trustworthy
translation, artistic design, simple layout, practical features and rock
solid truth!”
This all-new Bible features the complete NIV text, as well as other insightful and informative inserts:
- Rock Solid Truths that examine Christian beliefs and explorations of other religions;
- Rock Solid Principles that apply the Bible to relationships, sex, money, and more;
- Rock Solid Promises that call out what is (and is not) promised in the Scriptures;
- Rock Solid Plans that explore God’s plan for daily life;
- Unshaken People that provide scriptural examples of overcoming challenges; and
- Unshaken God that points out God’s amazing and unyielding attributes.
addition, readers will find reading plans, eight pages of full-color
maps, Bible book introductions and many other insightful features to
help teens grapple with their big questions about the world, their
futures and their faith. Annette Bourland, SVP of Zondervan Book
Publishing comments, “It’s our hope that the Rock Solid Faith Study Bible will
help teens grow their faith, find deeper meaning for their lives and
have hope in their futures. It’s a timely guide for teens that are
grappling every day with big questions about the world, what the future
holds and their faith in God. We believe this Bible is an excellent tool
and companion to help them find the answers they need to mature into
rock solid Christian adults.”
Watch the Rock Solid Faith Study Bible Video
Rock Solid Faith Study Bible for Teens
Various Authors
Zondervan, 2012
978-031-0723-302 · $29.99 Hardcover · 11.1 x 6.1 x 1.1 · 1,664 Pages
978-031-0723-310 · $44.99 Duo-Tone, Violet · 11.1 x 6.1 x 1.1 · 1,664 Pages
978-031-0723-329 · $44.99 Duo-Tone, Brown · 11.1 x 6.1 x 1.1 · 1,664 Pages
978-031-0723-2564x · $14.99 EBook/EPub · 1,664 Pages
Bibles / Youth
Thank you to Zondervan Publishers and the B & B Media Group for providing a copy of this book for review.
Thank you to Zondervan Publishers and the B & B Media Group for providing a copy of this book for review.