I just finished reading a book called For Parents Only -- Getting Inside the Head of Your Kid by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice. I hope the things I've learned in this book will change the relationship I have with my teens (and improve the relationship I'll have with my boys when they become teens).
This is an easy-to-read book that is based on the input of hundreds of kids across the country. Some of the findings seem a little shocking at first until you think back to the time when you were a teen (regardless of how long ago that was), then you wonder if the authors had peeked at your diary! Other findings helped me realize that there are some things we are doing right.
At each stage of our lives we seek to stretch and grow. As babies we want to walk and communicate. As teens we want to learn who we are and how to function on our own in the world. More than anything, this book shows that teens crave freedom and they want to establish their own identity. Often our attempts to control our worlds as parents stifle the very things our teenagers need. Even though our teens may do stupid things with their freedom, they will do almost anything to gain more of it. Our job as parents during this time is to help the kids achieve independence and build responsibility without making reckless choices.
Many of the findings in the book helped me understand some of the attitudes and actions of my teens and their friends. While the information doesn't always make me comfortable, hearing the 'behind-the-scenes' thoughts and feelings that play out in everyday activities helps me gain perspective on what my teens are dealing with. The authors include a chapter that shows how boys and girls react differently to the difficulties of their teen years that really helps a parent deal with gender-unique interpretations of events.

Shaunti Feldhahn is known for unlocking the mysteries of relationships for men and women. Now she turns to a parent’s relationship with a child, particularly a child of the opposite sex. Drawing on the results of a nationwide survey of kids and teenagers, she explores questions such as:
What do moms need to understand about the “tough and tender” boy who values respect over love?
What do dads need to understand about their daughter’s need for affirmation?
What are the six biggest pet peeves teens have about their parents?
Understanding the answers to these and other important questions can help parents make the holidays a time of celebration and unity, not strife and friction.
For Parents Only offers a unique look into a child’s mind and frees readers to communicate in healthier ways as they discover that understanding their kids may not be as complicated as they think.
Author Bio:
Shaunti Feldhahn is the author of For Women Only and numerous other books, with sales totaling nearly one million copies. A nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and public speaker, Feldhahn earned her master’s degree at Harvard University . She and her husband, Jeff, have two young children. Lisa A. Rice is the associate editor of Christian Living magazine, the mother of two teenage girls, and a screenwriter and producer.
You can find out more about the book and purchase it here, or you can go directly to the forparentsonlybook.com website for additional details about the book and some actual survey responses from teens. You can also get a workbook to go with it...this would make a great study for a small group of parents.
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God answered that prayer within 18 hours. I had just mentioned my concern with Bill and Cecily - He acting obnoxious and disrespectful, she piercing her lip, herself and being drawn to the EMO look, think in the direction of Goth. I have been reading the 5 love languages of Teens which has helped but I don't feel like it has really touched the tip of the problem.
Cecily is having identity issues I hear from a few people. I can see that. She is pulling away from teen church activities and most of the teens in the group. When I spoke with a sponsor about my concerns - Cecily wanted to continue to attend in the jr. high section - I was told that she cannot do that. She has now stopped going to any class or service and is assisting in a 2's class. Scary (she is very lovable to kids) if your the parent dropping your baby off with a teen that looks somewhat scary.
This is my baby girl I'm talking about. I have accepted her dress and her style, but others are revolted by it and tell her. She doesn't appreciate that I am standing with her and getting beat up too. She just hears nagging. All the time, about everything she says.
God, help me, I can't do this on my own, and I can't do this if John and I can't agree on how to do it.
Barb Kruse
I would love to read this book and find some Moms who would like to do a study on it. I think it would be great to have others to discuss this with.
This book sounds interesting. As a parent of a teen and one quickly approaching, I can definitely see the dynamics changing around the house. Often I wonder if we are trying to control our childrens destiny too much. When is it time to let go? How to achieve that happy medium between guidance without being so controlling yet at the same time nuturing responsible adults who will be an asset to society. I'm sure there are a lot of factors involved and quite frankly, I have never thought to go to the library and pick out a book at random. Your review was thought provoking and lit the fire to learn more. I would entertain the thought of being in a book group as well.
I'm definitely interested in this book and I appreciate you bringing it to our attention. :)
Mine are not quite there yet, but I can already tell I'll need all the help I can get when they get to be teenagers!
Thanks for the review!
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