by Ken Blanchard, Phil Hodges, and Tricia Goyer
Enter to win an ipad mini -- see info at the bottom of this post!
My Thoughts:
This book is perfect for any parents who still have children at home!
It is divided into four components -- Heart, Head, Hands, and Habits. In each section, each of the authors discusses the component based on his or her background and position in life. They each open up their hearts to share stories pertinent to the section, and their examples are wonderful opportunities to learn and reflect.
Each component is Biblically strong and includes examples of how Jesus used these components in his ministry. Additional examples are provided from parents who have been there and have learned from the principles shared in the book. Their stories add a great deal of heart and insight to the book.
In addition, each chapter includes actionable exercises, suggestions, or tips for becoming the best possible parent with Jesus as a role model. One of my favorite items is Tricia Goyer's method of praying for her children. She prays for their:
Head - that they will always lift their heads to look to the Lord and that they will allow God to life their heads when they are hurt or discouraged,
Shoulders - so they will learn to let God carry their burdens,
Knees - that they will get on their knees before God regularly, and
Toes - that a community of believers will surround them and keep them on their toes!
This can be easily remembered by thinking of the song "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes" and is a great reminder of how to pray for each child.
This book will be my gift of choice at all future baby showers!
Click here to download the Lead Your Family Like Jesus Booklet!Worksheet
Click here to download the Lead Your Family Like Jesus Family Activity Worksheet!
Link to buy the book:
Does your family need a five-star general at the helm? A psychologist? A referee? Ken Blanchard, best-selling co-author of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus, points to a better role model: the Son of God. Joined by veteran parents and authors Phil Hodges and Tricia Goyer, renowned business mentor Blanchard shows how every family member benefits when parents take the reins as servant-leaders. Moms and dads will see themselves in a whole new light-as life-changers who get their example, strength, and joy from following Jesus at home. This user-friendly book's practical principles and personal stories mark the path to a truly Christ-centered family, where integrity, love, grace, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness make all the difference.
Learn more at
About the Authors

author of more than 30 novels, nine nonfiction books, and more than
three hundred articles for national publications; 2003 "Writer of the
Year" at the Mount Hermon Christian Writer's Conference; popular blog
writer, speaker, and radio host
Learn more about Tricia at

Leadership expert and author of over 50 books, including the New York Times bestseller, The One-Minute Manager; cofounder of Lead Like Jesus; and coauthor of Lead Like Jesus; Lessons from the Greatest Leadership Role Model of All Time
Learn more about Ken at

human resource and industrial relations manager in corporate America
for 36 years with Xerox Corporation and U.S. Steel, co- founder of Lead
Like Jesus; co-author of five books, including The Servant Leader and Leadership by the Book with Bill Hybels.
Learn more about Phil at
Now the Contest!
Celebrate the release of Lead Your Family Like Jesus with Tricia by entering her iPad Mini Giveaway and RSVPing for the Lead, Momma Lead LIVE Webcast Event (with MomLife Today's Tracey Eyster) on April 16th.
One winner will receive:
- An iPad Mini
- A Tricia Goyer library
So grab your copy of Lead Your Family Like Jesus and join Tricia and Tracey on the evening of April 16th for a chance to connect and make some new friends. (If you haven't read the book - don't let that stop you from coming!)