Bonnie Gray
I enjoy the way Bonnie Gray writes from her heart and connects with the reader as if they are in the same room sharing a cup of coffee. She has some great ideas at the end of the book for finding a piece of quiet and rest for your soul.
That said, I found it difficult to connect with the majority of this book. Gray had a tragic childhood and she uses her healing process as a foundation for the book. The basic elements of the book and many of the activity prompts at the end of each chapter seem best fit for someone who has been through their own life trauma. I found myself feeling guilty that I had a great childhood and pretty happy life!
This book would be a wonderful gift to a friend who needs to heal from difficult events in her life.
ABOUT THE BOOK (From the back cover):

How many of us find ourselves running on empty with no time for rest, no time for ourselves, no time for God?
Bonie Gray knows what that's like. On the brink of fulfillig a liofelong dream, she saw her plans shatter into a journey through painful memories and anxiety. In her search for answers, she made an important discovery: we all need spiritual whitespace.
Whitespace. Its the space left on a page left unmarked. Untouched. Whitespace makes art beautiful. It gives the eye a place to rest. Just like beautiful art, our souls need balance and beauty.
With heartbreaking honesty, Bonnie guedes you to discover a better story for yourself, one that feeds your soul and makes room for rest. Infused wiht biblical enouragement and thought-provoking prompts, this book shows us how to create space i teh everyday for God, refreshment, and faith -- right in the midst of our stress-frayed lives.
Bonnie Gray is the soulful writer behind, serving up shots of faith for the daily grind. Her work is featured on DaySpring (in)courage and nationally syndicated on graduating from UCLA, Bonnie served as a missionary, ministry entrepreneur, and Silicon Valley high-tech professional. She lives in Northern California with her husband, Eric, and their two sons.
You can check out her website HERE.
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