Jen Turano
Reading a book by Jen Turano is like spending a day with your favorite quirky friend! Her characters are real down to earth women with personality traits that get them into unusual situations. They always mean well, but well-meant often translates into humorous and difficult circumstances. In Good Company is the second book in her A Class of Their Own series. Millie Longfellow was an orphan who has become a nanny to the rich and famous. However her quirky thoughts on child-rearing don't set well with the elite and she is frequently searching for a new job. Everett Mulberry has recently 'inherited' three rambunctious young children who chase away every nanny he hires. Against his better wishes, he hires Millie and the adventure begins!
Jen always adds fun animals to the mix, and this time it's a herd of peacocks and three rowdy puppies. They add all the more fun. With a mystery to be solved and high society to consider, her books are full of action, laughs, and love. And this one happens to have the BEST hiding place for a game of hide and seek that I've ever seen!
If you are looking for a light-hearted read with real life lessons about humanity and spirituality, check it out! It is highly suggested that you read the first book in the series, After A Fashion, first. While it isn't mandatory, there is a good bit of back story about Millie, Everett, and other characters who are mentioned in the book that is helpful.

Everett Mulberry has suddenly and quite unexpectedly found himself responsible for three children he's never met. Attempting fatherhood while also pacifying the less-than-thrilled socialite he intends to marry is made even more complicated when the children scare off every nanny he hires. About to depart for Newport, Rhode Island, for the summer, he's desperate for competent childcare.
At wit's end with both Millie and Everett, the employment agency gives them one last chance--with each other. Everett is wary of Millie's penchant for disaster, and she's not entirely keen on another snobby, grumpy employer, but they're both out of options. As Millie falls in love with her mischievous charges and tries to stay one step ahead of them, Everett is more focused on achieving the coveted status of society's upper echelons. As he investigates the suspicious circumstances surrounding the children's parents' death, will it take the loss of those he loves to learn whose company he truly wants for the rest of his life?