Saturday, March 16, 2024

Bible in a Year March 16 - Judges 6-7

 March 16 - Judges 6-7

The story of Gideon is fascinating. He is the weakest man in the weakest tribe, and yet God used him to save Israel. When we first see him, he’s threshing wheat in a winepress to keep it hidden from the Midianites (which also means he had a very small harvest). He was probably stomping on the grain as one would grapes for wine.

This is the only time in Judges that we see the Angel of the Lord approach a judge himself to announce his role. Gideon is incredibly hesitant and even after seeing miraculous fire from a rock he fulfills the request to tear down false altars, but does it in the middle of the night. The next day the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him and he calls together an army. Still hesitant, though he requires two signs (and 48 hours) to be sure he heard correctly.

It is shocking that 2/3rds of the army is frightened and returns home! These folks hadn’t been in war situations and weren’t well trained, and obviously they were terrified of the Midianites.

God’s love and patience is so persistent in this passage. Even after the proofs he’d seen, God knew Gideon was still scared and hesitant (I imagine he wanted to be first in line when the others returned home). Yet God allows him to hear the fear of the Midianites!

Whenever we feel inadequate, it would be good to remember that God led just 300 men to overwhelm the Midianites with just trumpets, clay pots, and torches! Surely he can help each of us to overcome the battles we are fighting.


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