One of the writers, Marybeth Whalen, challenged readers to pray for a verse that they could claim as their own for a year. I've decided that Psalms 3:5-6 will be 'my' verse and my challenge this year:
Trust in the Lord with all of your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
In all of your ways acknowledge Him
and He will make your paths straight. (NIV)
It is hard for me to even read this verse without singing it in my head. It is really hard for me to just trust the Lord. I want so much to understand the whys and the wherefores of every instruction, every challenge, every blessing. I often fool myself and think that I accomplished something on my own, without giving Him credit. I don't like to follow instructions, and I foolishly seem to be drawn to meandering paths.
I've posted this verse by my computer and on my mirror. I may even put a copy in my purse and car. I hope that at the end of the year I will feel that, with LOTS of God's help, I will have moved a good way down that straight path.
Do you have a verse you want to choose as your focus for the year? If so, leave a comment and tell us what it is.
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