Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a Difference A Day Makes

Some days we struggle with problems all day long...disobedient children, dinner that just doesn't turn out like you want, dogs that make messes on the carpet, and people who are jerks when they drive. Then, in the blink of an eye, we wish that those 'crises' were all we had to face.

I am in tears today over a woman I never met. Heather (at had an MRI just a day or so ago to see what was causing dizziness, and she found out she has a brain tumor. My heart breaks for how her world is turning upside down. She's facing a series of doctor visits and further tests to even understands what is really going on. Heather is a woman who has devoted her life to her children and working to ensure that her daughter with special needs gets the medical care and educational attention she needs. She cares about moms and the things they go through, and her love is demonstrated daily in her work.

Please pray for Heather and her family. They are in shock as they learn about terminology and treatments they never heard before. Heather, we stand behind you with prayer.

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