I'm feeling less than motivated today and I think I'd be happy to sit in my chair and watch the rain...ALL day! This is one of my rare days with no appointments, so I have hours to use and I don't want to waste them. SO, I'm relying on you to help keep me moving. It seemed to work on the desk in my office, so let's see how it works on my sewing room (aka Quilt Studio and corner of my bedroom).

A few weeks ago I decided to organize this room and try a different strategy for managing my fabric. As I moved stuff off the top of my fabric shelf, I noticed the ceiling was black. Over the past month or so, Lois's toilet and shower have leaked, and apparently they leaked through to my studio below. After Doug removed the drywall, we realized we needed to call in help.

Now there is good news and bad news. All the decluttering/organizing shows tell you to remove everything from a room before you start. Ok, well I have to remove everything so the contractor can come on Monday to rip the ceiling out and see what needs to be done! My sewing machine and a few tools have been moved, along with the shelf of fabric, but this remains:
Where do I even start? And where do I put all this stuff? And how will I remain somewhat organized in the meantime so I can make the seven things I want to finish by Christmas? This is where you come in. I've decided that today is the day, and I can reward myself with a quilting video as soon as I'm done.
Ready, set, GO!
Maybe I'll eat lunch first :o) !
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