Thursday, February 08, 2024

Bible in a Year Feb 8: Leviticus 24:1 – 26:13

 Feb 8: Leviticus 24:1 – 26:13

Could you imagine everyone doing a Jubilee ‘shuffle’ back to their original home every fifty years? It would be a logistical nightmare. At least during that year you wouldn’t be responsible for planting, maintaining, or harvesting crops. Where would you be heading back to if this practice was still enforced? Then think back generations – where did your family own land 200 years ago? I found it interesting that God said no land could be sold permanently because it belongs to him (25:23). I guess this kind of a major shuffle would reinforce that. It is a reminder that in truth nothing we have really belongs to us – everything is God’s and he loans it to us for a while.

So much information on redemption here – it’s hard not to think about the way Christ redeemed our souls with his very life. The talk of slavery makes me cringe, but we have to remember this was written to people who lived in a very different culture than we do today. Doesn’t EVER excuse the buying and selling of humans, but in reading these passages we are asked not to be judgmental.

Again there is a lot of discussion on how to treat the poor. This is a regular feature of God’s regulations and something we are called to continue even now. How can you help someone in need today?

The passages end with an amazing promise to the Israelite people. Oh, that they would have upheld their part of the bargain! How does this promise apply to Christians?

Only one more day in Leviticus – we made it!

TOMORROW’S TEXT: Leviticus 26:14 – 27:34, Numbers 1: 1 – 41

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