Monday, April 01, 2024

Bible in a Year April 1 - 1 Samuel 24; Psalm 57: 1 Samuel 25


April 1 - 1 Samuel 24; Psalm 57: 1 Samuel 25

David has a unique perspective on his place in the kingdom. While Saul is definitely his enemy and is out to kill him, David still has more respect for God and the fact that he placed Saul on the throne. Even though David knows he is destined to be king, he has a close enough relationship with God to wait for the proper timing and to continue to respect Saul’s leadership. Our country could use a bit more respect for those God has placed into leadership positions – whether we agree with their politics or not. We are called to always do right even when our leaders choose otherwise. It’s often a tough job to remember to respect and pray for people at all levels of leadership despite their failures, personalities, and beliefs.

Did anyone else see David as a bit of a hot head? We always hold him up (except for Bathsheba) as a righteous kind of guy, but it seemed that his anger against Nabal was a bit unjustified. Yes, Nabal was a jerk and a fool, but his crime was being arrogant and refusing to feed some 600 men. Because of that David was going to kill him and all of the men who worked for him if Abigail hadn’t intervened.

In a surprise move, just seven days after meeting him, Abigail leaves everything she knows and marries David. It was obvious that she was in a difficult marriage, and I presume she inherited nothing after Nabal’s death. It sounds like she was pretty wealthy, and we don’t know if she had any children (I presume not). But still, to just walk away AND to marry someone you’ve barely met? To travel around with him, homeless, while he was being stalked by the king and slated for death? Can you imagine what it was like to be in her position?

And why did David offer to marry her instead of just taking care of her? Was this a gallant move on his part to reward her for her actions, or was he smitten with her wisdom and appearance?

So many questions – and more to come.

TOMORROW’S TEXT: 1 Sam 26-29; 1Chron 12:1-7; 19-20

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