Monday, April 22, 2024

Bible in a Year April 22 - Psalms 108-109; 120-121; 140; 143-144


April 22 - Psalms 108-109; 120-121; 140; 143-144

 We are often told to pray scripture – I’m not sure those who say this mean we should pray Psalm 109:6-15 or Ps 140:9-11 for anyone! However, it is encouraging that God seems to be ok with us even when we feel that way.

Psalms 120 -121 are part of a subset of psalms (120 – 134) that were actually pilgrim songs that were sung when Israelites went up (ascended) to Jerusalem for annual feasts. Jerusalem is surrounded by mountains, and visiting pilgrims would have to climb them from almost any direction. Those coming from the area of the Dead Sea would actually climb the most – some 3700 feet over the course of about 40 miles.

Four were written by David, one by Solomon, and the rest are anonymous. (As an aside, Beth Moore has a Bible study entitled “Stepping Up – A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent” if you are interested in going deeper on these verses.) These psalms speak of the longing of the travelers to worship God and to be in his temple. They also talk about the challenges of the journey and express confidence in God’s protection and provision.

The Mishnah, a Jewish collection of oral traditions and written works, indicates that the 15 Songs of Ascent related to the 15 steps that led from the court of women to the court of Israel in the temple. It doesn’t say that the songs were sung specifically on those steps, though. It also indicates that the Levites sang these songs during the all-night ceremony on the first night of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Psalms 140, 143, and 144 are laments that share common themes of prayer, trust, and dependence on God. They can provide encouragement and guidance for us when we face struggles and challenges.

TOMORROW’S TEXT: Psalms 1; 14-15; 36-37; 39

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