Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Bible in a Year - Gen 1-3

Day 1: Gen 1 – 3


These passages are so familiar to most of us that sometimes it’s hard to read them and find something new. When I read it today, God’s grace hit me most powerfully.

Adam and Eve had sinned. They knew it and their eyes were opened. We know they were frightened because they hid from God. Based on God’s warning, they expected to die (but I’m not sure they really knew what that meant). It is apparently early morning when they hear God’s footsteps, so they run behind some trees. As I watched my grandchildren play hide and seek, I could only imagine God, seeing a random arm or leg behind a tree, calling out “Where are you?”, knowing perfectly well where they were and what they had done.

But God sought them out in the garden. Of course he knew what they had done, but he gave them a chance to confess and explain before he told them the consequences. God wants a relationship with us, too. He doesn’t just smite us when we do wrong. Yes, we will still face consequences, but God loved his creation enough not to wipe it off the earth completely. And like a good father, he loves us enough to give us a chance, too.

In His grace, he proclaims the first reference to the Messiah (Gen 2:15) and instantly provides hope for the future. Then he performs the first sacrifice (Gen 2:21) and provides clothing to hide their nakedness. I have to wonder if the skin clothing God made for them was still warm from the life it previously held? How terrifying it must have been to watch God kill and skin an animal that Adam had recently named.

This passage reminds me of Lamentations 3:22-23,

22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness. (NIV)

Have you ever tried to hide from God? Would be glorious or terrifying to hear his steps drawing near to you? No matter what we do, his compassion (some versions say ‘mercy’) is new each morning and it never fails.


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