Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Bible in a Year January 10: Gen 30:1 – 31:42


January 10: Gen 30:1 – 31:42

One section of the text jumped out at me this morning that I don’t remember seeing before. In chapter 31 Jacob is telling his wives about God’s instructions to move on, and it seems like he’s asking for their support instead of just telling them what to do (which seems pretty amazing for what I know about marital relations back then).

Then, in verses 14 – 17 the women state their true feelings for their father. They feel shunned, as if they were foreigners, and what is worse they believe their father sold them to Jacob! Not knowing what was behind the exchange of Leah for Rachel at the first wedding, perhaps Rachel is angry that she had to wait seven years (and apparently one week) before she was able to marry Jacob.

After twenty years of living as outcasts on their own estates, the women are more than happy to sneak off in the middle of the night and head toward another land without even saying goodbye.

One theme I’m starting to notice is one of barrenness. Sarai, Rebecca, and now Rachel were all barren, and through God’s grace and intervention they are able to bear children later in life who become key players in the story. These are all strong-willed women, and I wonder if God did this so they would realize that HE is in control, not them.

What has God given (or taken away) in your life that helps you remember that we do all things through his strength, not our own?

TOMORROW’S TEXT: Gen 31:43 -- 34:31

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