Thursday, January 25, 2024

Bible in a Year January 25: Exodus 25:10 – 27:21


January 25: Exodus 25:10 – 27:21

Don’t worry if you’ve fallen behind – jump right back in where we are!

There are lots of detailed instructions in today’s reading, and I wonder how Moses documented the requirements from God. Did he take notes on rolls of parchment? Did he make sketches in the dirt for God to approve? We know God carved the commandment on tablets of stone, but there was so much more information to remember!

There are entire books and Bible studies related to the tabernacle, so there’s no way I can do justice to these verses today. Here are just a few pieces of information that might help your understanding.

Acacia wood, used in many of the areas of the tabernacle, came from a large, thorny tree that grew in the area of the desert where the Israelites camped. It is a hard grained wood that tends to repel insects. It would have been easy for the craftsmen to find and would hold up well for their time in the desert.

Linen was commonly used for garments, and fine linen was worn by kings and priests. It allows for free air flow, so it would help people keep cool in the desert. It was made from the flax plant. The Hebrew word meaning ‘whiteness” also represented linen, because it was usually bleached white. White portrayed purity, righteousness, and joy.

Blue, purple, and scarlet were the colors used in yarn decorations. Blue and purple dyes were made from shellfish and were extremely expensive to purchase. Scarlet was created by crushing the bodies of bugs! Purple is the color of royalty, blue was used frequently by the rich and often represented the sky, and red (the color of blood) often symbolized life.

Resources used: Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary and the IVP Bible Background Commentary – Old Testament.

TOMORROW’S TEXT: Exodus 28 – 29

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